Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Pasti ada satu masa dalam hidup, kau rasa unhappy. Itu normal. Tapi pernah tak kalau kau rasa unhappy most of the time? It happens so frequently till it effects your health mentally and physically? If you do, then probably you need take some actions to make peace with it.

Aku pernah dengar ceramah agama kat rumah Nabil time summer holiday hari tu. I remember learning that in Islam, we are told to let go of what isn't ours. Jangan tangisi apa yang bukan milik kau. Jika sesuatu perkara itu terjadi baik atau buruk, kita harus terima dengan hati terbuka dan berserah kepada Ilahi. Don't you see the beauty of it? That's why muslims who truely understands the true meaning of letting go would live in happiness. They never waste their time sulking, worrying, depressing and what not. 

Rindu plak nak pakai jubah lol

But I believe that when we give advice, give our point of view on certain things, religion would be used as the last resort. Imagine kalau orang tu putus cinta. Menangis-nangis nak bunuh diri. Honestly, they don't need solution infact they won't listen to any of it. So lets say you consult orang tu cakap "Tau tak kalau kau bunuh diri, kau terus masuk neraka?" memang tak salah. Betul kot. But I'm sure that person dah takleh nak cakap apa. It is an non-arguable fact. I don't think you can comfort someone using those kind of points. We're dealing with emotional depressing heart here. Unless kalau dah mati akal tak tau nak cakap apa then by all means, come out with all the verses from the Book (Al-Quran) and all the meaning behind it. 

Play your cards well
This is my way of handling things. You might agree you might not. If it works for you then Alhamdulillah. If  it doesn't then go play somewhere else AHAHAH haha tak-tak main-main je. 


Syaa Rsd. said...


anyways, you look cute in that jubah. wehuuu ;)

AimanAriffin said...

Syaa: heehe good to know that u like it. ehh cute? haha thanx.

Miss Shikio said...

sometimes kita x dpt nak kawal emosi sendiri.

I penah kehilangan something yang buatkan I rasa nak terjun dari tingkt 999, bila I cari bangunan tu, "eh, mana ada bangunan tingkat 999 lah."

hahahh~ so x jadi lah... LOL~

*kucing I yang mati.. ngeee~

Liys lah! said...

hey aiman :))

ive heard a lot about you... dari zaman sekolah dulu lagik..

looking good in that jubah btw!

kyo_9 said...

dah cam artis bila tgk gambar2 dalam blog nih.. setuju dengan entri nih=

p/s study kt Australia ke??

AimanAriffin said...

Miss Shikio: There is nothing that u cannot control except for Gods will.

Mesti sedihkan? kehilangan sesuatu yang kita sayang

AimanAriffin said...

Cik Lys: aiks? kita sama skolah ke dulu?

haha thanx! I love wearing jubah

AimanAriffin said...

Kyo: uish artis apa plak haha thanx :)

ye study dekat Australia sekarang :)

Liys lah! said...

haha tak lah! ure from DJ kan? hee.

AimanAriffin said...

Liys: eh tak sama skolah? yup2 from DJ