It would be a lie if I don't have anything that I want to change about myself. I'm sure it goes the same to you too. Kau tak pernah nampak apa yang ada di depan mata. Tak pernah terfikir untuk bersyukur. Don't you know that the most part you want to change about yourself, is the most interesting part of you? Although some people out there use that as a tool to crush your spirit but don't let that block your way.
Who you are.
I used to hate my skin color because most Malaysians would go for fair skin boys. Someone taught me to believe in myself, to love myself. That person said that under the sun, my skin glows into golden brown. Some of you may find this funny lol I know it might sound silly but believe me. It is way easier to make peace with your differences rather than changing it.
Accept who you are. Accept the way others are. Accept the differences. Accept uniqueness.
believe in God..believe in yourself
Miss Shikio: wowzaaaa tgk tu. kata2 semangat Miss Shikio haha
nice picture..=)singgah and follow u..=)
Thanx fiera pirot :)
btw da follow anda. :D
Amira: thanx :)
You're amazing just the way you are. Lalala~
I love Bruno Mars. Eh, silap komen. Ahaha.
Btw, I prefer boys with darker skin, kot. Balik2 semua girls nak pakwe kulit putih, susah la camtu. Ngeee~
huhu.. we are all different..
don't believe me? watch this video..
Kyo: ure not giving me some virus right? haha let me check it out
Melda: really? haha jarang dgr girls suka lelaki kulit sawo matang.
Sebab lelaki dalam family dah putih melepak, dah selalu sangat mengadap.
Plus, takmau la yang lagi cerah dari Mel, kan? Hahaha.
Mel: haha you hear that guys out there? haha She is one of a kind ;)
saya jugak suka laki kulit sawo matang.. tambah2 penyeri blog ini
hurm...susah nak tahan pemikiran orang kan....:)
by the way..pakai cincin jangan kat jari telunjuk lagi yaa..yahudi style :)
Miss Shikio: Wah, ni pengumuman besar oleh miss shikio ni haha ;)
Diriku: Susah but if you never start you will never change kan
nice pic... :)
Rossa: Thanx :)
believed in yourself n be yourself. people will love you for who you are ;)
Rosenin: yezza! well said :)
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