Monday 11 April 2011


Today, I think that the ranks of celebrities have swollen to include, YouTube performers even bloggers and those who are famous of being famous. Don't you wonder sometimes why people would go to the extreme to publicize their blog? Why people try their best to become bloggers like Hanis Zalikha and whoever. Oh no, I'm not saying that it's not wrong to be like her. It's good to be like her. Instead we should follow her footsteps, brain and beauty and humble. But I suspect the enduring appeal of celebrities is not that we want to be like them. Look or live or love like them, stumble and fall like them but that we envy the attention they receive and look to them for clues about how to attract attention. What we want is to be important to someone, to be noticed by someone, and celebrities are a signpost to that possibility. 

So we keep stargazing. buying the magazines, pressing against the barriers, watching the TV chat shows and the Oscars, basking in the reflected glitz and glamour, partly to satisfy our simple desire to be entertained and amused but also to feed the secret fantasy that we, too, could be the star of someone's life. The cult of celebrity is really an expression of our yearning for recognition not in the media spotlight, but in the flow of loving and respectful relationships in our private lives. Think about it. Give it a go then you will realize that all you want is attention. I'm not an exception as well. Just a little bit more.


aneez abdul ghaffar said...

likeeee~bahahaha....but not all the tyme lah kot....depends dengan keadaan....

AimanAriffin said...

Chekuduks: hahaha yela tu!